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How to identify the best probiotic supplement

How to identify the best probiotic supplement

The best probiotics available in the market are rated with the number of good bacteria content inside the pack. Research says at least one billion bacteria cultures are allowed and permissible by the lab for any given quality test. The lab scientists say they are viable and potent. If you dig deep into clinical trial findings with the help of probiotic and health experts, we can identify the best probiotics in the market.
5 common misconceptions that people have about HIV/AIDS

5 common misconceptions that people have about HIV/AIDS

HIV and AIDS are probably two of the most major health concerns all over the world. Since its origin, it has come a long way and turned into a manageable disease from being considered as the most dreaded and unknown quotient. Despite the awareness that is being created among people about AIDS or HIV medication and treatment, there are various misconceptions present.
Chronic cough and its diagnosis

Chronic cough and its diagnosis

Chronic cough can be extremely irritating and a deterrent to everyday life. A cough that persists for more than eight weeks in adults and four weeks in children is classified as chronic cough. However, if there are any accompanying symptoms, it is only prudent to consult a professional health provider early.
Pneumonia – Causes and symptoms

Pneumonia – Causes and symptoms

Pneumonia was a very dreaded disease before the advent of antibiotics. The introduction and rapid progress in the development of antibiotics have completely changed the scenario. Pneumonia acquired from hospitals and health care centers are showing higher drug resistance and is of concern to the medical fraternity. The mild pneumonia  symptoms are like cold and flu but persist longer.
Know all about pulmonary embolisms

Know all about pulmonary embolisms

Pulmonary embolism is a condition which happens suddenly and is often life threatening if not attended to. It occurs when blood clots, most commonly, air bubbles lumps of fat from the marrow of long fractured bones or amniotic fluid. This blocks blood supply to areas that are provided by the artery and leads to the death of lung tissue.
Know all about pulmonary fibrosis

Know all about pulmonary fibrosis

Pulmonary Fibrosis is a chronic malady whose exact cause is unknown and therefore, it is termed idiopathic. In this progressively worsening condition, the lungs get scarred, and the healing process for unknown reasons repairs the damage with scar tissue, an inelastic fibrous connective tissue. These scar tissues cannot be replaced.
Prevention tips for teens – HIV/AIDS

Prevention tips for teens – HIV/AIDS

When your teen is growing up, there is so much you want to warn him about. HIV/AIDS is one of the concerns parents usually have. The body’s immune system gets weaker when one gets HIV since the immune system is what helps you fight infections and diseases. However, when it does, it can lead to AIDS, and it is fatal.
Healthy diet tips for people with HIV and AIDS

Healthy diet tips for people with HIV and AIDS

HIV weakens the body’s immune system; leaving it at risk for other infections. A healthy diet can help one maintain their body’s strength and continue to ward off infections. Here are some simple nutrition tips to follow if one has HIV or AIDS. Limit the intake of processed foods. However, the best thing to do is eliminate all processed foods from your diet.
What are the causes and symptoms of AIDS?

What are the causes and symptoms of AIDS?

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a disease caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). This virus attacks and damages the body’s immune system; making the patient susceptible to other infections and diseases. Causes HIV is transmitted through infected blood or other body fluids such as semen. HIV can be transmitted through any kind of sexual contact.
4 useful home-based remedies to get relief from atopic eczema

4 useful home-based remedies to get relief from atopic eczema

It is said that atopic eczema or atopic dermatitis is a disease which probably has no cure. It cannot be treated, but it can be kept under control through dermatitis medications. Dermatitis pictures of skin rashes, itchiness, and dry, scaly spots sometimes show fluids oozing out of these patches. The itchiness sometimes increases to such an extent that the person, especially children (as it mostly affects children), tend to rub the irritating patches against bedding or carpeting to get relief from the symptoms.
4 common causes that lead to eczema

4 common causes that lead to eczema

Eczema can occur at any age or in any weather condition. It is mostly seen in children. This skin disorder is diagnosed by the appearance of red and itchy skin. About eczema Atopic dermatitis is a common form of eczema. It is a long-lasting skin disorder that can be controlled by regularly moisturizing the affected areas and by avoiding any harsh soap.
Here are a few common causes of itchy skin

Here are a few common causes of itchy skin

It is often hard to identify the cause of itchy skin. If it is temporary and seems to vanish after treatment, there is no need for concern. However, if there is constant dryness which does not subside even after applying moisturizer, then it is possible that there may be an underlying problem.

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