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Some facts you should know about relapsed multiple myeloma

Some facts you should know about relapsed multiple myeloma

One of the frequently asked questions who has undergone treatment for multiple myeloma is – are there any chances of a relapse of this cancer? The answer is yes; relapsing or recurring of multiple myeloma may occur post cancer. Another commonly used name for relapsed multiple myeloma is recurrent myeloma, a condition when the disease returns even after the completion of the initial treatment.
Stage-wise treatment options for non-small cell lung cancer

Stage-wise treatment options for non-small cell lung cancer

Non-small cell lung cancer, also known as NSCLC, is a type of epithelial lung cancer other than small cell lung cancer. About 80–85% of all lung cancers usually are non-small cell lung cancer. It is a group of lung cancers that behave similarly, such as squamous cell carcinoma or adenocarcinoma.
Simple home remedies for cellulitis treatment

Simple home remedies for cellulitis treatment

Cellulitis is an infection caused by the Staphylococcus and Streptococcus bacteria. It normally starts at the site of wounds but can appear anywhere in the skin. Previous bruises and cuts or insect bite wounds can trigger cellulitis. Generally, adults are infected in the lower legs and suffer from leg cellulitis, but infections have known to be found in arms and occasionally in the face too.
Things you need to know about colon cancer

Things you need to know about colon cancer

Colon cancer is the development of carcinogenic cells in the intestine that plays a major role in digestion. Over the years, colon cancer has become a massive threat across the globe. As found by a study, colon cancer remains the third most diagnosed cancer among American adults. Symptoms of Colon Cancer Colon cancer can appear with the benign cells that turn into polyps causing serious damage to health.
Things to pack for your hospital stay

Things to pack for your hospital stay

What one needs to pack depends on the surgery type, recovery period in the hospital as well as the facilities that are already available there. But, you will always need to make sure that you don’t keep going back home for small things again and again. So, here’s a list that you can refer to when packing your bag for the hospital.
Things to consider when purchasing a probiotic for women

Things to consider when purchasing a probiotic for women

Health is indeed wealth. As human beings, it is our primary responsibility to keep ourselves healthy. But for women, there comes an added responsibility of taking care of her health which if ignored could lead to issues like urinary tract infections, vaginitis, vagitosis, vaginosis, yeast infections, etc. Probiotic for women can help them keep their health in check along with supporting the health of the digestive system, immune system, and the brain.
Tips for prevention and precaution against hemophilia

Tips for prevention and precaution against hemophilia

A genetic ailment, hemophilia is a condition in which the blood ceases to clot. This condition occurs due to the low level of substances that aid the clotting of blood in the body. This causes the affected person to bleed for a prolonged period when there is any bruise or injury.
The side effects of probiotics

The side effects of probiotics

Probiotics usually don’t have any severe side effects. In most of the cases, the side effects go unnoticed but for individuals whose gastro intestinal tracts have the presence of high bad bacteria can have some side effects. Interestingly, side effects itself is a sign that the probiotics are working. Most of the side effects are a part of the transition phase where the harmful bacteria are driven out.
Treatment options for hypertension
Health and Fitness

Treatment options for hypertension

Hypertension or high blood pressure is essentially the rise in the blood pressure levels, which is higher than 140 over 90 mmHg. While some of the common causes of hypertension include unhealthy eating habits, lack of physical fitness or activity, intake of alcohol, tobacco use, high intake of salt in daily meals, to name a few, there are some other reasons too associated with hypertension.
Treatment plans and medications for depression

Treatment plans and medications for depression

Treatment plans and medications for depression According to the World Health Organization, the estimated number of people around the world affected by depression are around 350 million. It is the most common illness worldwide and is a leading cause of disability. WHO states that it is a common mental disorder that is characterized by persistent sadness and a loss of interest in activities that a person usually enjoys, accompanied by an inability to carry out daily activities for at least two full weeks.
Top signs of toe nail fungus

Top signs of toe nail fungus

Toe nail fungus is usually caused when the feet are stuck in closed shoes and they sweat a lot without proper airing. This also happens when one does not maintain good hygiene of the feet and the shoes. Treatment of toe nail fungus is a matter of recognizing the primary cause and taking care of the feet with cleanliness, change of shoes, keeping the feet dry, and a host of other such measures.
Tips to manage early signs of brain tumor

Tips to manage early signs of brain tumor

Brain tumor is the spread of abnormal cell growth in the brain. Alternate therapies can offer some amount of support in managing the early symptoms of brain tumor. There are various studies and research that have been done to get a permanent solution for the disorder. But in the meanwhile, let us initiate some discussion on nutrition, toxic exposure, and lifestyle factors that can help in managing the symptoms of brain tumor.

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